Tuesday was the first day of my internship. I headed over to the office which, gloriously enough, is a five minute walk from my apartment and met with the staff members who were in the office. After chatting for a bit about what I would be doing during my two month stay, Zubin, a graduate student worker, took me on an extensive tour of campus and the village of Maynooth. On the route we stopped at a coffee shop and he treated me to a cappuchino and a piece of cake. He had already switched treats once before when I told him I have a nut allergy and I tried to politely decline, but he wouldn't take no for an answer. I didn't want to tell him I didn't like chocolate on top of that. So being the polite girl I am, I ate the cake. But for the record my taste buds have not changed. Each swallow was followed by a gulp of my delicious cappuccino to disguise the flavor!
This picture was taken right across the way from the coffee shop where I ate the chocolate cake. The little sign in the left hand corner is for the shop where we stopped. It is also right next to my apartment complex, but I never took the time to look down and discover the gentle stream that passes by. It reminds me that I should not only look up at all of the beautiful architecture that connects the old Ireland with the new Ireland, but to also look down at the natural beauty that is all around me.
The Humanity House which houses the International Office comprises one side of St. Joseph's Square. This is what I see as I leave the office every day to walk home, amazing isn't it? It is crazy how often we connect different senses to memories or familiar places and when I walked into the Humanity House memories of my childhood crashed into me as it smells like Butler Montessori School when it was located at Butler Catholic. I could see myself learning how to make a bed, tie my shoes and balance a plate on my head while walking in a straight line. The similarities end with the smell however. The International Office stretches down a long corridor that just begs for me to turn cartwheels the entire way. I mentioned this to one of my colleagues Wendy and she said as long as I tell them ahead of time so they all can watch I should "give it a go".
I am very much enjoying my first few days at my internship. We have two tea breaks at 11am and 3pm as well as lunch at 1pm. We gather around in the meeting room and just chat about the day and get to know each other. All of the members of the office who I have met are delightful. I have been invited along to lunch with a few of the girls every day I have been here and we are going to plan a weekend trip to Belfast! As for the workload, I do feel as if I am not contributing very much. Maybe it is just that I am used to always having multiple projects on my hands as well as student advising hours or it might simply be that it is my first week in the office. We'll see how next week goes and I will definitely be asking for more projects to keep me busy! Until then I'll enjoy my gradual introduction into the office environment and substituting coffee for tea at 11am and 3pm :)
First abroad experience = siestas ; second abroad experience = tea breaks. good choices!